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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Laverne Castro on

Laverne Castro wears a Bayo tunic with Coco Couture leggings, Grendha sandals and a bag from Jimmy Choo.
Originally here!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What inspires Lav?

The title asked what but I will answer Who inspires Lav? This is an official entry to Mommy Chris' anniversary raffle contest.

I does things to make me happy but behind those things, there's an inspiration why I'm doing it.

First and foremost, there's my super beautiful mommy. She's all in one! My best friend, my menthor, my inspiration and my stage mother. Haha! I got her my attitude towards things. I tend to get upset and frustrated easily but thanks to her guiding words, it keeps me on my feet. I love her so much!

Then there's my little brother and sister. Though they're so kulit! They make me smile and oh they are my cheerers. Haha.

Lastly, my friends. They know me so well, from head to foot. I won't trade them with any other treasure. Knowing I have real friends makes me feel like I'm in cloud nineeeee.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Inspirational Insights turns 1

Happy Anniversary to Mommy Chris of Inspirational Insights!

Inspirational Insights turns 1 this May! The main blog purpose was to give inspiration to other bloggers. No doubt about it! Mommy Chris really inspires her readers. In celebration of this joyous moment, she would like to invite us to join her in celebrating!
She's running a raffle contest.

Required steps to join
1. Write a post about what inspires you and make sure you link back to this contest page saying it is your official entry.
2. Write another post about this contest with the list of sponsors on it.
1st Place

I don't need to explain who am I.

Funny about these poser issues, they blame me for uploading lots of my pictures around the world wide web. They thought that this is just my hidden agenda to caught an attention and "pooof" became an instant celebrity. Get a life hoes! I don't need to explain myself to all of you. I am just me. I am also tired of reclaiming my identity, its all for you to know who's the real me and who's not. I hate it when someone thought of me as poser, my heart really breaks.

So for those who thought that I have a hidden agenda, get a life!